
GCMA Midlands Region

Matches 2022

19th May 2022  - Midland v South West

Worcestershire GC proves a real winner for Alan and the team.

"The Midlands just pipped the SW in a very close game at the wonderful Worcestershire GC on May 19th. My thanks to everyone that turned out and contributed to a lovely day for all, and especially to the 2 players we lent to the SW team. Also, a big thank you to Ryan Parfett and his team, who made the enjoyable day possible and to SW captain Ian Griffiths for helping make the day.

I know that it is becoming increasingly difficult for working members to spare the time for a whole day out, but it is quite encouraging that we managed a full compliment for this game. The "availability" matrix looks reasonably well populated for the games versus Yorkshire and East Midlands coming up in July, but we could do with a few more players.

8th July 2022 Midland V Yorkshire 

We are playing at :

Willesley Park Golf Club,
Measham Road,
LE65 2PF

T: 01530 414596

For more details of the venue please click here

Alan will be sending details out to the members who have indicated their availability 

To register your availability follow this link  here 

25th July 2022 Midland V East Midlands 

We are playing at :


Beeston Fields Golf Club
Old Drive
Wollaton Road

phone. 0115 925 7062

For Further Details of the Venue  please follow this link  here 

To register your availability follow this link here 

24th August 2022 Midlands V East Anglia

We are playing at 

Northamptonshire County Golf Club,
Golf Lane, Church Brampton,

For Further Details of the Venue  please follow this link here 

To register, your availability follow this link here 

6th October 2022 Midlands V Wales

We are playing at :

The Monmothshire

Llanfoist, Abergavenny,

Gwent, NP7 9HE

To register your availability follow this link  here

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