© 2025 copyright Golf Club Managers Association
GCMA Midland Region membership is open to anyone who is currently a member of the Golf Club Managers Association (GCMA). Click here for a link to the GCMA National Website where details of the various management roles that qualify for membership, along with a web based application form, can be found. Before you can become a member of a GCMA region, you must become a full member of the National Association.
The Midland Region covers West Midlands, Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Herefordshire, and parts of Leicestershire and Northamptonshire. GCMA members who reside/manage outside of that area are welcome to join, and some GCMA members choose to join more than one Local Region. The Annual Midland Region Subscription for 2016 is £25, and is normally collected by Head Office as part of the subscription process in January of each year. New members are warmly welcomed whether they are new to the golfing industry or have been in post for some time.
It is the Regions responsibility to deliver educational, vocational and relevant presentations to its membership through a series of meetings during the year. In the Midland Region these take place in Spring and Autumn and are arranged to provide a forum for members of the Region to meet together and discuss matters that are current and relevant to the management of golf clubs. Our meetings regularly cover the ever changing Statutory regulations pertaining to Health & Safety, VAT, Employment Laws, Pension Schemes, General Club Administration and much more. The Autumn Meeting is also our AGM. It is often said by members that the networking opportunities offered at these meetings, are well worth the effort of attending.
Meetings normally take place in a morning, and are followed by a light lunch. For those who wish to stay and play golf, by no means obligatory, we have a Stableford competition in the afternoon which is followed by dinner and presentation of prizes.
In addition, during 2016 we will be introducing a series of Breakfast meetings which will move around the region to minimise travelling. They will typically start early with a short topical presentation, breakfast which will be followed by an Open Forum discussion for GCMA members only and driven by the members present. The meetings finish around 11 a.m. giving members time to be back at their desks by lunchtime.
Wherever possible, communication is via email or by direct access from the Members Section of the web site. The agenda for meetings is available in advance, and usually includes an Open Forum session where it is possible to test the water on any ideas members may have; learn from others experiences and to have an opportunity to build a network of useful contacts.
Why not come along to a meeting and see what you think for yourself? Just contact our Regional Manager, using the form below. He will be able to give you details of our next event and may be able to put you in touch with another member local to you.